FlappingBird Postmortem (JS13K)
FlappingBird was my Primary entry for JS13K Games competition 2020 It's about a bird flying in a forest of trees (Some of which are upside down) It started out as i was trying to draw some clouds for fun, then later i added every missing component to complete the sky First day. I planned making a game that should as well serve as a 404 page with a hidden game such that when a button is pressed It transitions into gameplay qualities were that it should be easy to play by everybody without need to master many rules Second day. There was a bunch of game ideas up my sleeves one of them was a game where a typical 404 page transitions into a green garden like mine sweeper version made up of a flowering mine field with smooth sweet sound effects Fourth day. We'll Since Mine sweeper is not a very common game there's nothing fun about it and not everyone knows how it's played. So i gave up on it and on this day i started working on backgrounds for flappingBird "the final...