FlappingBird Postmortem (JS13K)

FlappingBird was my Primary entry for JS13K Games competition 2020 It's about a bird flying in a forest of trees (Some of which are upside down) It started out as i was trying to draw some clouds for fun, then later i added every missing component to complete the sky

First day. I planned making a game that should as well serve as a 404 page with a hidden game such that when a button is pressed It transitions into gameplay qualities were that it should be easy to play by everybody without need to master many rules

Second day. There was a bunch of game ideas up my sleeves one of them was a game where a typical 404 page transitions into a green garden like mine sweeper version made up of a flowering mine field with smooth sweet sound effects

Fourth day. We'll Since Mine sweeper is not a very common game there's nothing fun about it and not everyone knows how it's played. So i gave up on it and on this day i started working on backgrounds for flappingBird "the final primary entry on my list" most of the elements of the sky where composed of simple lines and polygons and mostly circles i didn't intend to use images in early stages especially because its written from scratch (so that it's as simple as possible)
Here's some saved screen shots.

There wasn't anything really challenging however the moon is a bit sketchy in the sense that its spawned first before any other element and composed of two circles one of which is hidden by discuising it with the color of the background to give it that desired shape

Shortly after doing background works i started working on two more aspects almost simultaneously, first it was the player and second it was the game screens, to be honest i didn't know what to use as player at that point i didn't have the name if the game coined yet, none the less i made the player and later finished up game screens.
Here's some saved screenshots.

And just like the background works day there wasn't really much challenges faced everything was smooth "i was on a roll!"

Following days i fixed physics and dynamics i also visited friends for testing and handed out binaries too

Here's some saved screenshots.


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