Solutions to blocked URLs on Facebook

Facebook allows sharing links on it's platform but in order to protect it's users from accessing URLs containing malicious content Facebook on a regular scraps content on shared URLs effectively raising an alarm if content shared goes against Facebook community standards or in short it's content is forbidden on the Facebook platform,

Forbidden content may include potentially malicious crafted phishing websites or websites spreading malware among others

Facebook may as well ban content flagged spam either reported or flagged by Facebook moderating algorithm "Facebook sheriff"

You wouldn't want to find your website 'spam-list handed' you should avoid that

There's no way to redeem a website flagged as a blocked website on Facebook except other non viable alternates such as completely changing your domain or using another sub-domain

Facebook may as well ban content containing banned URLs in the meta open graph attributes

To resolve open-graph sharing related errors make sure open graph images are not located on a blacklisted domain name, as by doing so Facebook will easily identify them during the crawling process which gets done before posting a link,

Hence the crawl robot may encounter an error in the scrapping process, therefore posts wont be processed by Facebook because one of the resources fails to meet standards


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